2 min read

The Wallpapers of 615

I'm charmed by all of these but would never use them myself.
The Wallpapers of 615

There can be little doubt that one of the most entertaining aspects of the archeological digs that occur with renovations of older houses is getting to see what paint colors, tiles, and wallpapers previous owners elected to use.

Here's a quick sampling of what I've found at 615:

The groovy wallpaper that once adorned the kitchen.
A flowered print that was, no doubt, less grim looking before it aged and got dirty. This showed up on a board of unknown provenance.
Here's a cheery green-and-white flowering vine that may have just been used as shelf liner.
Enough of this showed up in the back section of the house to lead us to believe it may have once been used for the back bedroom/office.
My mother-in-law will recognize this print, replete in the laundry room, as it used to be the wallpaper in the family room of the house where my spouse grew up.
One more look at ye olde wallpaper in the laundry room.

More soon about how today went....