3 min read

The floors and countertops survived!

The floors and countertops survived!
The bright blue blob is daylight coming in the front door reflecting off the just-washed floor.

Before all the drywall and tiling and electrical and plumbing and HVAC mess started, we did what we could to set up protection for the granite countertops in the kitchen and the hardwood floors throughout the first floor.

Now that all that big stuff is done, yesterday and today involved me holding my breath to see how we did. Answer: Success! The countertops are all intact and the wood floors are looking good!

Having read about my torn calf muscle from my last post, various friends offered to help with clean up. I did manage to get the local cobbler (Dave at John's) to fix up an old shoe for me to get my left foot sort of level with my right foot in the high medical boot.

That's my old shoe with about 2.5 inches of heel added to get my left foot roughly even with my right foot in the boot.

With the boosted shoe and the medical boot, I am weirdly tall! And I can get around a lot better than when I was clomping around with a three-to-four-inch difference in my heel heights.

Old friend Libby helped with the kitchen clean-up yesterday, and it's looking great.

This morning, after we had breakfast together, my friend Stu helped clean up the living room, with a special focus on all the French-door wood and glass.

Stu has excellent cleaning skills and could certainly have made it in the janitorial field had he not been running Medicaid for the entire State of Michigan back in the day.

The stylish bandana addition was because he was hot. Once I realized that's what it was for, I turned on the NEW CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING, and lo and behold, it works! Cold air came wafting up at us from all the vents. Ahhhh.

Getting down on my hands and knees to wash the floors was quite doable despite the medical boot; my knees are still level with each other, so being on my hands and knees is just fine. Whenever I stood up, I made a point of immediately dancing to avoid my still somewhat asymmetrical legs causing my back trouble. Loud dance music definitely helped.

I got the floors looking pretty great, as you can see in the photo that leads today's post.

From tomorrow through Sunday morning, I'll be in Chicago. Late Sunday, Team Tennessee arrives, and we start up in earnest with them on Monday. I can't wait!