2 min read

That sunroom.

Hubba, hubba.
That sunroom.
The sunroom just after purchase. Note the big bushes in the windows (now gone).

This house at 615 Sunset Lane has so many good rooms, but the one that makes everyone go "wow" is the front sunroom. Facing east and south, it is like a fine cup of coffee in the morning. It glows with daylight and envelopes you in all that original oak trim.

We won't be doing a lot to this room – mostly cleaning it, giving it a touch of paint, and letting prospective buyers drink it in. Here are some more shots from just after purchase.

The giant bushes no longer block the light, but this photo was taken before the bushes were pulled.
The sunroom prior to cleanup.
In the living room looking towards the front door (curtained), prior to the last owners' furniture being removed. The double French doors lead to the sunroom. Another French door (back left) leads to the coat closet and windowed stairwell.

If I lived in this house, I would make the sunroom my writing room, although we'd also have to have enough seating for everyone who wanted to spend the day in there. It's just beautiful.

And yes, it's original to the house. The foundation and the woodwork show us that. Many houses on our street have room similar to this in their fronts, but none that I know of have a space so large facing the morning light.