3 min read


A morning glory comes in to say hello.
The second-floor back bedroom is looking so warm and inviting.

I'm generally using soap and water, not spit, but we are at that point of shining everything up. What this really means is lots and lots of bright new trim paint. As you can see above, the back bedroom (which is painted a warm green called Front Porch) is looking quite lovely now that I've got the trim sharpened up. All over the house, things are looking great.

As a reminder, here's what the first-floor half-bath looked like when we started:

And now here's the new first-floor bathroom, which I've officially declared done!

New shower, new HVAC, new plumbing, new cabinetry, new sink, new walls and ceiling, new fixtures, new floor, new ceiling, new insulation, new toilet....NEW!

Meanwhile, the second-floor bathroom reno turned that room boho chic, and I love it. We saved the cast-iron yellow tub and redid just about everything else except the walls outside the tub and the door.

Here's how the second-floor bathroom looked before:

After demoing a lot, we properly sealed the walls around the tub/shower, put in new tile, new tile floor, a new vanity, new vanity mirror, new HVAC fan with new shower light, new sconces, new toilet. After finishing the paint touch-ups, this weekend I ran over to Frandor for a little art!

So purdy. And very functional, too! Everybody especially loves those new sconces against the handsome tile wall.

In the other rooms, my friend Nathan and I have been cleaning up, polishing up the wood, cleaning the windows and interior glass doors, and it's all coming along. Here's a look at the dining room:

The wood in the house is just singing.

The garden has been doing just fine, too, with the sunflowers coming up high enough to be visible in the dining room window, about 9 feet up from the ground!

Meanwhile this week, a morning glory decided to crawl its way into the garage, climb a broom handle, and make itself at home on the peg board.

What a silly plant.

This week, the drywaller comes back to finish the heated chamber in the garage ceiling. It's all built and insulated; it just needs fireproof drywall to come up to code. As a reminder, that's the chamber that is going to keep the new first-floor plumbing from freezing in the winter. There's a heating vent running right into it.

This week I'm also expecting the vent-cleaners, and in the evenings I'll be working on painting more trim in the upstairs hallway. Getting closer to sale!