2 min read

It's true!

Buried treasure, albeit full of poo.
It's true!
A map of the sewer lines (shown in red) provided by the East Lansing Department of Works and annotated by me.

Just a quick follow-up on yesterday's post and then I have to get back to my real work.

I just heard from my go-to guy in East Lansing's Department of Public Works and he has now confirmed that there is a 27-inch sewer line running below the shared driveway between 615 and the house to its south!

This is fantastic news. It means the sewer line from 615's house to the public line is much shorter, simpler, and easier to get to than we thought. We originally thought the private sewer line ran all the way up the driveway to Sunset Lane, likely under the driveway.

Most importantly, this finding means all future owners can rest assured that if there's a problem with the sewer line that is running under the driveway, the cost of dealing with it falls to the city, not the property owner. This is like buried treasure, although not your conventional concept of loot.

I just showed 615 to friends of friends who are looking to buy in our neighborhood and I am excited! I'll be showing it to another interested family on Sunday. Clearly I need to figure out soon what the asking price is going to be, although I feel like I can't quite do that until I figure out what final surprises might be lurking... And no one can get a mortgage on this house until the bathrooms and kitchen are rebuilt anyway, so there's that.

I'll write this weekend about the kitchen. For now, I'll tell you that framing is expected to start up Monday with framing for the new kitchen ceiling and the second floor bathroom (minor up there) followed by framing for the space of the new back first-floor bedroom/office and new full bath.

The electricians are scheduled for major work on Wednesday and Friday next week. They'll be rewiring the second floor bathroom, the kitchen ceiling, and adding sconces to the living room to add more built-in light for that huge room. There's also removing of some old electrical lines that needs to happen yet, and we need the new ceiling fans for the sunroom and living room installed.

Here's a photo of how the living room looks as we wait for the framers:

Lisa the Design Genius and her right-hand man Doug are set to come up from Tennessee in just a couple of weeks so that we can talk about what their crew will be doing when all the infrastructure work (framing, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and drywall) is done. There will be lots of tasty icing on this cake by the time we're done, all of it respectful of this wonderful old house.

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